Why are parenting courses important?

Our parenting courses are hugely popular as they cover topics such as:

  • Importance of play
  • Listening to your child 
  • Behaviour management 
  • Spending quality time together

The parenting courses aim to increase confidence whilst building stronger bonds between parent and child. These courses provide a friendly and relaxed environment for parents to open up about issues that they have been having with parenting. As they are held at the same time as our creche facility, parents can leave their children with our staff and volunteers only a door away! 

Parenting Programmes Offered

  • PPP 'Positive Parenting Programme' - This is an 8 week course which lasts approximately 2 hours per week. In this program, parents will learn a variety of techniques to strengthen their relationships with their children. 
  • Mellow Parenting - This is a 14 week programme which is designed to help families who are experiencing complex relationship problems with their young children. The course aims to improve the parent and child relationship by creating a supportive environment for others to learn from. The course aims to improve parent's self esteem and can aid recovery for those suffering with anxiety and depression.

When are they held?

Multiple parenting courses are offered every term. Please see our programme published every month or get in touch with us via email or phone. You can also come to the project and speak to us in person. 

Contact us

Phone: 020 7654 5352        Email: [email protected]